What is your happiest part of the day? Is it going to bed? Dinner time? Going to work? School?
Long before I was married, I had heard people say that the butterfly feeling you get in your stomach when you are dating eventually disappears. They had said that when two people are together for a while, the infatuation feeling ends. Now this isn’t going to be a blog that says that the statement isn’t true… because it is. Butterflies don’t flutter in my stomach when my wife comes home from work or from the store, or anything like that. This is a good thing. I can’t imagine my stomach feeling like that every time I see her. How could one live like that? But that is not to say something doesn’t happen. Before I go any further, I have to say that I am an introvert. I don’t mind keeping to myself, which makes writing such an enjoyable career. The people I mainly interact with are imaginary. Having that as part of my personality also means that I keep many of my emotions to myself. I don’t LOL or anything like that. I may have done that a few times in my life, but I don’t make a habit of it. (And I never post it on Facebook) I’m not effusive, which has led people to assume I’m stuck-up, snobby, moody, grumpy, or whatever else people want to believe. All this to say… what I feel inside isn’t necessarily shown on the outside, which brings me back to my point. One of the happiest moments of my day (whether I show it or not) is when I see my wife pull in the driveway. It is not because I am at home with the children all day by myself. It is because I genuinely like her; I like being around her. It goes without saying (though I’ll say it anyway) that I obviously love her. But it’s more than that. When she walks in the room, I am a happier person. I look at her and think, “There is a person that knows me. Really knows me. And in spite of that, she loves me.” You see, my wife doesn’t give me butterflies anymore, but what she does is make me smile. Frankly, I even still get excited at seeing her (though I usually don't show my excitement). But this happens within, so most of this is probably news to her. This goes to show you that what you see isn’t always what you get. Sometimes there is more, sometimes less. In the end, there is no big point to be made in today’s post other than the simple truth: my wife makes me smile (even if it is on the inside).
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February 2021